2016年8月20日 星期六



我已告訴過你們有關處理偏左脈的方法,你們必須確實去實行。絕對不可讓偏左脈的情況繼續滋長,因為陷在左脈之中是非常危險。所有這些可怕的疾病都是來自過度偏左脈-----如癲癇症(epilepsy)、各種精神錯亂(mental derangements)、癌症、所有的身心症(psychosomatic)及脊髓炎(myelitis)及愛滋病(AIDS)等。這些疾病都只攻擊偏左脈的人(註一)。如果你陷入左脈的情況,要立即去除它。陷入右脈時,你會表現在外(如生氣、罵人),所以周遭的人都會知道,當事人亦會知道,所以你容易去糾正它;但是陷入左脈時就不是這麼明顯,所以要特別小心,絕對不要沈溺在左脈的情緒之中,那是非常危險的。


註一:譯者說明:Shri Mataji 認為許多疾病的導火線皆是因為太偏左脈,此時人會處在一種容易被攻擊的狀態。固然有些疾病的根源是過度使用右脈造成輪穴能量的耗竭,此時一旦因為某些情境或事件造成擺向左脈,疾病可能就爆發了。
註二:字面上翻譯是如此,但譯者以為Shri Mataji 較可能是指上述精神錯亂的人。

註三:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 的談話1990-03-20. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.

Now those who are left-sided, I’ve already told them what treatment they have to take, and take it seriously. Left-sidedness should not be allowed to grow at all – I tell you, it’s very dangerous. All these horrible diseases that you have heard of, all of them, one and all – say epilepsy, mental derangements, you can say cancer, all psychosomatic, this myelitis, then there are other diseases like AIDS, all that – attack only left-sided people. Anybody who has left side, immediately try to get rid of that left side. The right side shows so everybody knows, and you can throw away such a person, or you can correct it. But the left side be very careful, don’t play about with the left side. Left side is very dangerous.

To avoid that, don’t mix up with people who are mentally deranged, don’t go to the hospitals where such people live, don’t try to cure people who are left-sided – they can be all cured on My photograph. And if somebody starts telling too much about their woes and all that, just shut your ears. All this left side comes from a kind of a self-indulgence, in the sense that you start thinking you are so miserable, you are so unhappy, you are no good, and all that. So the right-sided are over-confident, the left-sided are diffident. But they’re, because they’re diffident, you see, all kinds of viruses can attack. And these viruses are the thing which bring forth diseases which cannot be cured. So be careful on that point.(1990-03-20)