2016年6月22日 星期三

大幻相 (Mahamaya)

-------大幻相 (Mahamaya,註一)------

過去的導師或降世神祇並無法給人類自覺,只有 Mahamaya 才能給你自覺,古書早已記載此點。當 Mahamaya (母親) 給你自覺時,我是如此地像凡人(人類)一般,我的實相又隱藏起來,所以你可能無法認出我( 註:認出母親為太初之母,Adi Shakti)。每次你若試著想更了解我的實相( reality),你就會陷入圍繞在 Mahamaya 周遭層層的網中,你又發覺我非常不同於人類。所以我以 Mahamaya 的形相出現在這一世,對你而言可能會造成一些問題,但這也是一個特別的安排。試想假如我像以前的女神一樣,隨時都握著一把劍,坐在老虎背上,誰會靠近我呢?誰敢來問問題?此世我必須給你忠告,必須指出你的問題,我必須做許多事,這些都是以前那些女神無法做到的。所以我這一世以 Mahamaya 的形相出現,你可以靠近我,你可以對我講話,可以聽取我的建議。我同時也可以告訴你們許多事、解析許多事的祕密。當你們知道坐在你們對面的是 Mahamaya,對你們是很有助益,你們才較不容易迷失在 Mahamaya 的陷阱之中。

其實太靠近我反而對你不好,舉例來說,我的女兒和我最接近,她們反而無法接受我( 註:接受我是太初之母),我的丈夫也無法接受,我的孫子則需要一段時間才可以接受我( 註二)。我的親戚也無法接受我,假如他們可以接受( 認出)我的整体形相( 註:指包括太初之母),則他們必然是靈性很高的人。


註一:譯者說明:Maya 是幻相( illusion) 的意思,指遮掩真相的烏雲。舉例來說,錢、身份、地位、"我的"家人、名校、名牌等等皆是幻相。Maha 是大的意思,Mahamaya 字面上的涵義則是"大幻相"Shri Mataji 是太初之母的化身,Mahamaya 是太初之母( Adi Shakti) 這一世在地球降世的身份。其人身 ( 家庭主婦、印度人、為人之母、為人之妻......) 則只是一種幻相。這種幻相本身也是一種保護,讓Shri Mataji 可以安全完成的許多使命,而不會被邪惡力量或無知的人們所攻擊。但是這幻相也阻卻許多人認出她是太初之母,而喪失了昇進的机會。而在實相與幻相的交錯之中,也會讓霎哈嘉練習者產生許多的困擾及懷疑。Shri Mataji 在談話時常說:我是Mahamaya,你們不要試圖了解我,這對你們沒有好處。

註二:Shri Mataji 的兩個女兒均非霎哈嘉練習者,丈夫亦不靜坐,孫子則有幾位是霎哈嘉練習者Shri Mataji 離世後,兩位女兒甚至爲了霎哈嘉一些組織的控制權,還對簿公堂,着實驗證了Shri Mataji 當年的先見之明:"我的家人不在霎哈嘉之内是比較好。譯者以為這些為一些幻相而起的紛爭並不是什麼醜聞,而只是一齣戲劇(drama),正是給霎哈嘉練習者一個機會來更看清楚什麼是幻相?而什麼才是霎哈嘉裡的珍寶!

註三:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 的談話1988-10-141988-10-15. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.

‘The problem is this, one more is, that I am Mahamaya’. Only the Mahamaya will give you that, which is written down already. Now when Mahamaya gives you that. I am so human, that I can recede, you can not make me out. Every time you try to come nearer to reality, you just get into the web of Mahamaya. I am so inhuman. This is the problem with you, but also is a solution. Like supposing, I was like anyone of these Goddesses that you have heard of, all the time with a sword, nobody will go near them. Sitting on a lion sitting on a tiger, Who will go near them? Who will ask question? Who will explain ? I have to counsel you. I have to do so many things. I have to tell you how I have to point out your problems. These none of them would do. They just take a………. (Shri Mataji laughs)………… no joking, nothing. No entertainment. So it is like a great guru. See a musician for example – if he sees his disciples putting one note in wrong way he just slaps them. But Mahamaya can’t do that.’ Otherwise nothing is tolerated. They are intolerable to Gods and Goddesses.. All of them, they are within me, I know they are there. I control them, because I am Mahamaya, so I control them. I say Now see it will all work out. Both ways, but I am so close and the closer I am, worse it is for you, for example – my own children won’t accept me, grand children won’t accept me very fast, my husband won’t accept me, my relations won’t accept me, if they accept me in the full form, then they are very very great people. In a way, it is good also because supposing you see the whole family is with me, they will think- I have floated an organisation or something. So this looks nice that they are kept out, as long as possible.(1988-10-14)

But to recognize me is rather difficult because I am a Mahamaya and so normally you might come into that mess created as a Mahamaya. But as I told you the other day that you could not have faced me in my other form. Imagine a person with a sword in the hand sitting on a lion. Could not have faced it. So I had to be Mahamaya and this is what it is, that in this form you can come close to me, you can talk to me, you can also take my advice, if you want. So this counselling can be done better. I could decode everything to you. I could tell everything about it. But to know that you are sitting before Mahamaya Itself  is very helpful. So don’t get lost into the garb of Mahamaya.(1988-10-15)